Tribal Health Mission:
Tribal Health Corp is bringing a 1,000-year-old, New Zealand native tea tree oil-based healthcare remedy to the US. Used by ancient tribes as a gender-specific infection protection remedy, modern-day research has demonstrated the efficacy of the oil from both the mānuka, the female tea tree, and kānuka, the male tea tree. Both inhibit antimicrobial-resistant “superbug” infections. Associated with both home and nosocomial (hospital) acquired infections, malicious pathogen infection protection is an expanding $261B+ addressable market in a world where infection control is a growing healthcare problem internationally.
Reasons to Invest:
- Globally unique gender-specific, natural health remedies sourced from tea tree plant oils endemic to NZ, creating a niche therapeutic sector.
- Agricultural product provenance protection is enhanced by restrictive native land access, collectively creating significant barriers to both entry and product emulation.
- The management team brings over eighty years of collective experience in the Australian and NZ tea tree agribusiness sector to the company.
- Vastly superior malicious pathogen-inhibiting plant oil chemotypes enable patentable health product formulations that will bring significant price disruption to the global health honey market.
- A skilled team of industry professionals who understand every aspect of the value-building chain from a tea tree seed in the ground to a regulatorily approved, consumer-facing natural health product.
The Solution We Deliver:
Ongoing research demonstrates that oil extracted from the leaves of the New Zealand mānuka and kānuka tea tree is known to:
- Inhibit malicious, contagious pathogens making it an effective natural antibiotic.
- Deliver naturally produced antimicrobial, antifungal, and anti-inflammatory chemotypes.
- Counter-pathogen mutation that renders antibiotics ineffective in their treatment.
- Used as a gender-specific, natural healing remedy by native tribes in NZ for more than 1,000 years.